1.4. Turkey(Tekirdag Meeting)  
1 A.Georgoudis
Present Situation of livestock production in GREECE.

Conversation and management of local Cattle populations in GREECE.
Aristotle University Faculty of Agriculture Dept. of Animal Science 54006 Thessaloniki GREECE GR
2 A.P.Apostolidis
PCR-RFLP analysis of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome by gene among Greek horse breeds. Laboratory of Physiology of Agriculture Aristotle Uni. of Thessaloniki 54006 GREECE. GR
3 Ch.A.Ligda
Conversation and management of local Cattle populations in GREECE.

Estimation of Genetic Trend in chios sheep with a multitrait animal model.
Department of Animal Production Faculty of Agriculture Aristotle Uni. of Thessaloniki GREECE  ligda@agro.auth.gr GR
4 E.Nikolaov
The breedig season of Greek Sheep Breeds. Department of anatomy and Physiology of farms animals, Agriculture Uni. of Athens Iera Odos 75, Athens, 11855 GR
5 E.Xylouri
Preliminary serological investigation of M. Paratuberculosis in dairy herds in GREECE. Agriculture Uni. of Athens, faculty of animal science Dept. of Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene of farm animals, 75, Iera Odos Str. 11855, Athens, GREECE. GR
6 Frangiadaki
Preliminary serological investigation of M. Paratuberculosis in dairy herds in GREECE. Agriculture Uni. of Athens, faculty of animal science Dept. of Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene of farm animals, 75, Iera Odos Str. 11855, Athens, GREECE. GR
7 J.Menagatos
The breedig season of Greek Sheep Breeds.

The Rare Horse and Pony Breeds of GREECE.
Departments of Anatomy and Physiology of farms animals Agriculture Uni. of Athens Iera Odos 75, Athens, 11855 GR
8 R.Ivanova
PCR-RFLP analysis of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome by gene among Greek horse breeds. Laboratory of Physiology of Agriculture Aristotle Uni. of Thessaloniki 54006 GREECE. GR
9 T.Alifakiotis
PCR-RFLP analysis of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome by gene among Greek horse breeds. Laboratory of Physiology of Agriculture Aristotle Uni. of Thessaloniki 54006 GREECE. GR
10 T.Chadios
The breedig season of Greek Sheep Breeds. Dept. of Anatomy and Physiology of farms animals Agriculture Uni. of Athens, Iera Odos 75, Athens, 11855 GR
11 T.Papadopoulos
Estimation of Genetic Trend in chios sheep with a multitrait animal model. Department of Animal Production Faculty of Agriculture Aristotle Uni. of Thessaloniki GREECE  ligda@agro.auth.gr GR