Turkey (Tekirdağ Meeting)

Session 3: Ruminant Nutrition



Influence of the Yea-Sacc 1026 Probiotic on the Fattening Ability and Meat Quality in Lambs; I. Growth, Slaughter and Morphological Parameters V. Radev, R. Otouzbirov, I. Varlyakov
Influence of the Yea-Sacc 1026 Probiotic on the Fattening Ability and Meat Quality in Lambs II. Biochemical Parameters of B ood and Liver and Meat Quality R. Otouzbirov, V. Radev, I. Varlyakov
Effect of the Yea-Sacc 1026 Probiotic on ihe Fermentation Processes and on the Content of Duodenal Chime in Sheep I. Varlyakov, V. Radev
The Influence of Lecithin as Forage Additive on Digestive and Metabolic Process and Milk Secretion in Dairy Cows A. Gurita, S. G rigor as, L.Gheltu, N.Critea
Research Regarding the Influence of Different Structures Against Growth, Fattening and Meat Quality at Young Steers G. Macarie, H. Macarie, D. Ciurescu
Researches Concerning the Quality Indexes of Carcass at Young Stock of Romanian Spotted Breed G. Ghenuche, A. Gurita, L. Eftimiu, E. Semina, C. Calin 
Blood-Lactic Protein Concentrate for Fodders V. Tumov, I. Baytchev, Mg. L. Vladimirov
Optimization of the Coagulation of High-Protein Concentrate of Slaughtering Blood V. Tomov, I. Bayt:hev, Mg. L. Vladimirov
Productive Level in Roumanian Buffalo. Feed With Varions Energetic Levels E. Florescu, D. Ciurascu, C-Tin Pucheanu, C. Bunghiuz, A. Bota 
Protected Methionine (Smartamine) in the reeding of High Yielding Cows.  R.G. Fecioru, C. Podaru, M. D. Constantirescu, A. Plugant, C Plugaru 
Yeast Growth Promoters in Cattle Fattening A. Gurita, Gh Ghenuche, H Macarie, E. Bolocan 
Voluntary' Intake and Productive Effect of Preserved Fibrous Feed Used in Buffalo Steers Feeding Bunghiuz C., Georgescu D., Bugaru E., Se mina E., Ciurescu D.